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Xclaimed Event – Chrystina Sayers – Ruocco Park

Ex pop star Chrystina Sayers to now, servant of Jesus Christ for life, is doing a new thing! Since her ventures in the secular entertainment business realm for over 10 years being surrounded and working with the top A list music celebrities, she discovered that her relationship with Jesus Christ was all that mattered as she so desperately called out to him to save her. Only 4 years ago, Jesus ripped her out of Hollywood and set her feet on solid ground! Today not only is she a strong servant of Jesus Christ but she also leads worship at her local churches, has an online ministry called “Lets Get Honest” which focuses on hard topics within the Christian and Hollywood culture. This YouTube ministry includes sharing tips, sharing testimonials and sharing reasons of how to be a strong follower of Jesus Christ! In addition, she serves along side powerful ministries / powerful children of God for homeless outreach ministries. Currently, she is studying at a Christian University for her BA in Worship and Ministry.

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