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Xclaimed Ministries continual broadcast on YouTube and Facebook. Connecting with the community and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible teachings, study and worship all online 24/7.

We have designed this broadcast to fit any lifestyle schedule. Not everyone can attend a church service or Bible Study on Sundays and Wednesdays. We designed a continuous #livestream for those who want to learn more about God’s Word any time of the day or night. Live Streaming Church Online Everyday, All Day.

Our #YouTube continues to grow each day. Subscribe and become part of our growing community. New shows, recordings, and events are added continually. Over 1,800,000 viewers have visited since February 2016. Be an active part of our community, use the Live Chat feature and meet new folks or just say hello.

Videos Topics:
The Created God
Discerning God’s voice
#God’s Love
God’s Plan
Suffering Christians
#Jesus Christ
Sleeping Church
Heaven and Paradise
Bible verses about
Women in ministry

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